Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Beyond Update.

When trying to update the script for this weeks class, a number of issues have cropped up that have led to a rethink on the show's focus. A trip North at the beginning of October saw the Beyond production team interview several more contributors for the punk documentary. With now over 10 hours of recorded interview with 8 different contributors has led to a problem most documentary makers would sell their grandmothers for; too much great stuff. How does one tell this story in just 60 minutes, and do it justice? The thought now is to concentrate on the Belfast and leave the Derry story for another time. The Belfast story illustrates the non-sectarian nature punk in a much better manner, as Derry scene consisted of the Undertones and very little else.

1 comment:

Jen said...

this is the beauty of the companion website...you *can* keep all the footage, you just need to organise it so that people will be able to find what they're looking for...